February 06, 2019

Bobolink, Brazil

Bobolink’s story starts with the success of Silvia Barreto and Marcos Croce who run the famous, organic farm Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza (FAF) in the region of Mococoa near the southern border of Sul de Minas.

The bountiful knowledge and expertise of Silvia and Marcos which attributed to the success of FAF has not been kept a secret, but openly shared amongst coffee farmers in the region.

What has formed from this shared knowledge is a network of producers who have ventured into the growing exquisite coffees through the same sustainable practices as FAF. This is Bobolink coffee.

One step in the organic farming process is planting indigenous trees among the coffee to create shade. The trees do not only provide shade but also create new homes for wildlife - namely the New World Blackbird, also known as the ‘Bob-o-link’ Bird.

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