February 06, 2019

Primavera, Brazil

Primavera, translating to ‘Spring’ in Portuguese refers to the perfect climate in which to grow coffee on the farm. The temperatures range between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius with an average precipitation of 1,000 to 1,300 mm per year. Plus, the farm sits up in the highlands, between 900 – 1100 MASL, making for the great conditions for growing speciality coffee.

Following in his father’s footsteps, producer Ricardo Tavares has dedicated his life to the coffee industry. As a keen innovator, he promotes and supports new coffee practices – applying this to the operations at Fazenda Primavera.

Social and environmental sustainability have always been integral to the farm’s operations. The farm uses recycled coffee pulp as fertiliser and the team also conducts outreach to neighbouring farmers to share knowledge and best practices to help move the region of Angelandia and Chapada de Minas forward. Subsequently, Fazenda Primavera has earned the title of 3rd Most Sustainable Farm in Brazil.


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